Thursday, February 26, 2009

insight in my life as of now....

Okay, this has been annoying me a lot lately... (john & i talk complain about this all the time)
So i am now commuting a longer drive from Miramar to Santee. Well i get off work during the peak hours of traffic. (this has nothing to do with it, but moreso traffic) Anyways, now im constantly stuck in traffic and it makes me think WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE HAVE TRAFFIC! i understand if there are accidents, etc. but the traffic that just disappears in thin air makes me OHH so angry. do i make sense? those are the traffics that you think is a big accident and then you drive a mile down and realize that theres no traffic and everyones all off a sudden going 80 mph. WTFREAK...

(Inhale, EXHALE....) actually, it was more of a huge bite out of my mini apple, but thats beside the point. :]

Yesterday at 1825:Young Adult Cafe, we learned about taking risks with God. How we as Christians, are afraid to take risks and play it safe, because we think God will punish us. But we have to have faith, which allows us to take risks and chances. And as Christians we are called out to do so...Danny did an amazing job :] i totally related to his personal testimony about his mom, because of my dad...made it that more intense. sigh, also it brought back memories of my uncle, jun-hee. :[ Gosh, i miss him so much. And it sucks that i will never be able to see him again. I still struggle knowing that a lot of my loved ones that did pass, did not know God. My favorite Uncle, just can i try to justify that God wanted him and had plans with him, if he's not even in Heaven. But everything happens for a reason, and i guess i will find out when the time comes for me to leave this place.

Im super excited for the weekend. Its pretty jam packed!! Tomorrow, i have Vision Night for the Pebbles Pathway (the ministry im in). Then im going to Laura's bday party at the Hard Rock in downtown. Than on Saturday & Sunday going to the desert to go ride. :] i havent gone riding since summer. so im super stoked about getting back on a bike. woohoo. well anyways, im pretty tired so im going to hit the sack early. :]

night eveyone...

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't think you can measure life in terms of years. I think longevity doesn't necessarily have anything to do with happiness. I mean happiness comes from facing challenges and going out on a limb and taking risks. If you're not willing to take a risk for something you really care about, you might as well be dead." --Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, Northern Exposure, Northern Lights, 1993

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